Snookerbacker Classic part 2 …and 3

Two weeks and another birthday party later, it was time for the Snookerbacker Classic once again. The South West Snooker Academy in Gloucester hosted the second and third leg of the event on Friday and Saturday.

Keeping track of the action online, it seemed like great fun and I’m happy to be a small part of this event even if I can’t be there in person to see those talented guys (and girls) fight for a place in the final. I’ll have to settle for watching these lovely photo galleries from Friday and Saturday. Also, you can find a detailed review of both events here. For the ladies reading this, unfortunately, there are less cake photos this time , but there’s a cute kid and several talented young men worth looking at 🙂

Anyway, here are the drawings and some photos of the four qualifiers from this weekend. Don’t know if I mentioned this before but the two drawings of the waistcoats are actually modeled after Mark Selby. Yeah, I’m a bit biased but what’s the point in having an obsession if you can’t enjoy it? 🙂




















Just click on the drawings to open the larger, more detailed image.



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Wake me up when September ends

As the extended summer is now officially over, I managed to find two final reasons to distract myself from the madness that lies ahead starting this autumn. First there was my birthday; the hottest, most agitated, “can’t feel my legs by the end of it (and not because of all the dancing)” anniversary I remember having. It wasn’t my plan to spend it so far away from home, but I still had lovely people around me to keep me in a good mood and I’m thankful for that 🙂

The following day was just as busy, but as I was enjoying the view above, about 2500 miles away there was something a bit more serious going on. I’m obviously talking about the first leg of the famous Snookerbacker Classic 2013 🙂 Now most of the people reading this probably know what that is and the rest are most certainly aware of my snooker obsession at least so I won’t go into great detail but you can find all the info here. The reason I’m mentioning it is that I had the chance to bring my little contribution to the event by doodling some colourful stuff for the lucky and talented qualifiers. I’ll post some photos of the drawings as soon as each event takes place, so here’s a little something from the first one:

The event seemed like a lot of fun and you can read a bit about it here  and here and there’s also a photo gallery (spoiler alert – contains some delicious-looking cakes and one handsome Aussie).

Nicely framed on the tournament desk

Oliver Lines is the first to qualify for Finals Day